What is the Confrérie du Sabre d'Or?
We are an international champagne order whose name literally means ‘The Brotherhood of The Golden Sabre’! As a society dedicated to the enjoyment of champagne, members each enjoy the fellowship of like minded people with the added distinction of celebrating a highly unusual way of opening the bottle.
The Confrerie du Sabre d'Or is a worldwide organization that has existed since 1986, and has since steadily grown to become one of today's most exciting fraternities with 22,000 members worldwide.
The local Singapore chapitre was started in 2011 and we celebrate our 8th year of formation in 2018.
How and when was the practice of the Sabrage invented?
There are two versions of the history; The French version is that the French Dragoons unleashed their sabres in hand to celebrate a victory. As they were riding on horseback, when they grabbed a bottle of champagne in one hand to open, the only way was to use the sword in the other hand to slice it open. This slicing of the cork in a single smooth action then became known as ‘The Sabrage’!
Another version (origin unknown) says that it was the Russian Cossacks from the mercenary army of the Tsar who have seized oxcarts filled with champagne bottles. Whilst still riding on their horses, and in the face of the French armies, they opened the bottles with their sabres. It is not clear which version is correct.

Danny Sabrage